
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Authentic Community - Being Real with Y'all

Years ago Doug and I were in a small group weeknight bible study. Every week we shared our heart and our struggles as did others. At the time Doug was unemployed and we felt like the perpetual "needy ones". I remember one night when we decided not to share our struggle, put on a stiff upper lip, and just worship and listen to the study, then leave. After worship, with a worship leader who genuinely loved The Lord and loved people, they asked for prayer requests. Doug and I sat there with our pasted on smiles waiting for the moment to pass so we could move on. The worship leader's wife caught my eye and I quickly looked down. At that point she spoke up with compassion and tears in her eyes "Guys, we need to pray for Doug and Stacy. Can't you all see how much pain they're in and how they're trying to just be strong? The bible says to ask and keep on asking and so let's do that." She reminded us that in our weakness He is strong.

Months later in that same group the couple that were the "leaders" spoke up with a Praise report. Sharing that he had struggled for months and months with an issue with work to the point that he thought he would lose his job, he was relieved that it was all resolved now. 

What a ripoff. He never once invited anyone in. He wanted to be the strong one with all the answers. Honestly, it was pride. Shortly after that the worship leaders moved away and the group disintegrated. I realize there is value in choosing what to share with whom, however if you want true community, you have to be vulnerable and then let God deal with everyone's opinion.

This situation is one we have pondered many times over the years. It's what prompted us to share about feeling called to move to Washington and the subsequent decision to leave because of work and weather. 

We need each other. And let's be honest, we are all needy. Whether it's health or finances, secret sin or just tough life circumstances we are people in need of a savior journeying toward our eternal home where every need will be fulfilled. Let's not hide from each other. Be real.


  1. BEST blog post EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! THANK YOU for sharing that! That secret...hide it all in....put on a smile....full of big fat pride person you're referring to? YEP! ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, this.....THIS WAS WRITTEN FOR ME! God bless you dear friend. I could read an entire book on this and it wouldn't have hit the way this simple blog post hit me. I can hear your voice...your makes me tear up missing you SO MUCH! Thank you so much, Stacy. Thank you for being a rock in the lives of so many. What a blessing you are...near and far. Love you!

  2. Stacy, I just love this and it's amazing that you being willing to be vulnerable right here makes me feel closer to you. I've been that person who has a hard time sharing and the example in the small group you gave just shows me that maybe I'm ripping someone off. Even though we haven't talked in a while, you are in my heart. Love, Donna :-)

  3. We are only as sick as our secrets! :-)
