
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Moving is such sweet sorrow…

We are at the part of the Great Adventure where it doesn’t really feel like an adventure at all; it feels like I am sinking in the mire of a million boxes, bubble wrap, and dust while the violins of sentimentality play 
their melancholy melodies over and over in my head.  What are we doing?  Where are we going?  Are we crazy?  Why are we doing this?  And then the “What Ifs” start.  I won’t bore you with all of them, but trust me, there are plenty.

In the midst of the NOISE of moving, it has been a challenge to see the BEAUTY in the chaos.  But I’m choosing to see it. 
Small things have brought smiles… a pair of Heelys found on in the exact size and colors we wanted; a FOUND ipod after praying about it together (it was lost on the college campus and turned in to Campus police.); a friend who came and helped pack; and making a dinner that everyone liked.

As my Facebook status this week I’ve chosen to make a “Gratefulness Challenge” every morning where I list something for which I’m thankful.  It’s great because it helps me think of many things actually. I mean, I  can’t list the first thing that pops into my head because then everyday would say, “I’m thankful for coffee.”

Life is messy.
Adventures are messy.
And there is beauty, even in the mess.
What are you thankful for in the midst of the mess? 

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