
Friday, March 8, 2013

Blown Away!

Astonished!  Amazed!  Overwhelmed!

Over the course of the last week I have sorted, thrown out, set aside, and purged books.  Now if you have ever been a teacher you know how painful it can be to part with books.  But something very freeing happened this week and even this morning as I saw other families blessed by books that have sat on my shelves.  I didn't own most of these books, they owned me!  They took up physical and mental space in my life it was time to cut them loose.  

Several weeks back I decided to have a used book sale to raise funds for my trip to China this summer.  I instructed my kids to pull the books that they loved off the shelf so we can decide to store them or take them on our Great America Adventure.  The rest were fair game.  Putting them in bins to take for the used book sale, I reminded myself I can get more books when I return if I need them and that God ALWAYS provides what we need.  Little did I know what He had in store!

As I unloaded the van this morning my sweet, oldest, book-loving daughter waved solemnly and whispered, "Goodbye, my babies" to all those books who have lived in our home for so long.  She didn't know how God was going to use those books either.  

As the morning wore on, I talked with friends, telling them about their selections like I was introducing them to a new pal.  Then I humbly received their gifts which far exceeded the value of the books.  It was such a rich experience.

So with huge, heartfelt thanks to all my sweet friends who donated at the Used Book Sale this morning to my Great China Adventure I am happy to report... 

$1260.00 was raised! 

Why do I doubt?  God is so faithful and I have the best friends ever! 

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